目的了解火麻仁蛋白对SD大鼠的胚胎、胎仔的致畸作用和毒性作用。方法将受孕的雌性大鼠随机分成火麻仁蛋白1.04、2.08和4.17g/kg·BW 3个剂量组及阴性对照组,在受孕的第7~16d每日经口给药1次。期间记录孕鼠体重及生长状况,于受孕第20d剖检母鼠,检查并记录胎仔的形态变化和窝仔、胎仔参数。结果在1.04~4.17g/kg体重剂量范围内,火麻仁蛋白各组孕鼠的生育力、胚胎发育、胎仔外观、内脏及骨骼发育情况与阴性对照组差异无统计学意义。结论在本研究条件下,未见火麻仁蛋白有胚胎-胎仔发育毒性作用、致畸作用与母体毒性作用。
Objective To investigate the teratogenicity and toxicity of hemp seed protein in embryos and fetuses of SD rats. Methods The pregnant female rats were randomly divided into 3 doses of hemp seed protein 1.04, 2.08 and 4.17g / kg · BW, and negative control group. The rats were orally administered once daily on the 7th to the 16th day of conception. During pregnancy, weight and growth of pregnant rats were recorded. On the 20th day of conception, maternal rats were dissected and their fetal morphological changes, litter size and fetal parameters were examined and recorded. Results There were no significant differences in fertility, embryo development, fetal appearance, visceral and skeletal development between the pregnant rats of hemp seed protein group and the negative control group in 1.04 ~ 4.17g / kg body weight. Conclusion Under the conditions of this study, no hemp seed embryo - fetal development toxicity, teratogenicity and maternal toxicity.