Onodera Prognostic Nutritional Index is an Adverse Prognostic Marker for Resected Gastrointestinal S

来源 :第十三届全国胃癌学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaguangguang
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  Objective The immunological condition is important for the survival of patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumor(GIST).
目的 研究通过对我院行胃癌切除的手术患者术后并发症资料的分析,探讨胃癌术后并发症发生的原因及危险因素,同时寻找合适的处理方法,为以后胃癌术后并发症的预防及治疗提供理论依据方法 本研究通过收集1958 年04 月至2015 年8 月在河北医科大学第四医院行胃癌手术治疗的16508 例患者的临床病历资料,对这些数据进行回顾性研究,了解胃癌手术并发症的发生率,对胃癌手术并发症的特征及预防胃癌术后并发症的
目的 探讨腹腔镜对比开腹手术治疗胃胃肠间质瘤(GIST)的适应证、安全性及短期临床疗效。方法 回顾性分析自2014 年1 月至2017 年9 月间在天津医科大学肿瘤医院接受腹腔镜及开腹手术治疗的118 例原发胃GIST 患者,比较两组患者的临床病理资料,手术相关因素和短期临床疗效。
目的 血流灌注不足是胃肠道术后发生吻合口漏的重要因素,同时也是导致胃肠道手术术后死亡的重要因素。在手术中准确的微循环的判断可以有效地降低术后吻合口漏发生的几率。
Current study aimed to investigate whether there are miRNAs that could target PTEN and regulate the progression of CRC,thus providing a therapeutic target for CRC.
Objective Totally laparoscopic total gastrectomy(TLTG)using overlap method has been adopted by more surgeons due to the increased experiences and skills.
Objective To investigate the difference of postoperative clinical outcomes between 2D and 3D laparoscopic application in gastrectomy.
目的 腹腔镜下全胃切除联合D2 淋巴结清扫术(LTGD2)能否彻底根治胃癌并确保患者长期预后尚存争议,本研究旨在通过系统评价与Meta 分析评估腹腔镜与开腹全胃切除联合D2 淋巴结清扫术(OTGD2)治疗胃癌的手术疗效及远期疗效,为胃癌的手术治疗提供客观可靠的循证医学证据。
Objective Petersen hernia is rare in internal abdominal hernia after Roux-en-Y digestive tract reconstruction,and difficult to diagnose at its early stage with atypical clinical symptom and high morta
Objective Preoperative systemic inflammatory response and nutritional status play important roles in the tumorigenesis,progression,and prognosis of gastric cancer(GC).
Objective Currently,precise predictors in gastric cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy are lacking.