Estrogen caused a calcium rise via activation of the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor in SH-SY5Y

来源 :中国生理学会第24届全国会员代表大会暨生理学学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a391137182
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  The G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER1,also known as GPR30),is a Gs or Gi/o coupled GPCR and has been reported to bind 17β-estradiol (E2) to mediate the non-genomic estrogenic responses.GPER1 has been detected in several brain regions,including the hypothalamus,the brainstem and the spinal cord.
Objective The aim of this study was to compare the effects of different intervention methods on the protein expression of estrogen receptor(ERα,ERβ)and estrogen receptor related receptor α(ERRα)in the
Imbalance release of proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factor from placenta causes maternal endothelial dysfunction,the main manifestation of preeclampsia (PE).Recently,hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has been
Objective:Physcion,an active anthraquinone constituent isolated from the rhubarb,a traditional Chinese herbal medicine which is widely used in clinical treatment,has cardiovascular protective properti
目的:随着人们生活水平的提高,我国非酒精性脂肪肝的发病率越来越高。本文旨在探讨细胞色素P450 ω-羟化酶CYP4A14 在肝脏脂质代谢中的作用,以期为阐明非酒精性脂肪肝发生的机制提供线索。方法:(1)野生型(WT)及CYP4A14 基因敲除(4A14KO)小鼠分为如下四组:1)WT+普通饮食组;2)WT+高脂饮食组;3)4A14KO+普通饮食组;4)4A14KO+高脂饮食组。
目的:硫化氢(H2S)是近年来发现的第三类气体信号分子,在体内发挥包括抗炎在内的多种生物学功能。人类分娩是一个炎症过程,分娩前夕炎性因子参与激活子宫。人类妊娠子宫平滑肌能够表达H2S 合成酶CSE 和CBS,且足月临产组H2S 合成酶的表达量明显低于足月未临产组,提示内源性H2S 可能参与抑制子宫激活。
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Background: Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease,a significant cause of worldwide morbidity and mortality.The association between adiponectin(APN,the most abundant secreted p
NMDA 受体是中枢神经系统内的离子型谷氨酸受体,近年研究显示,该受体亦广泛分布于多种外周非神经组织,包括胰岛细胞。研究报道,NMDA 受体的过度激活对神经和非神经组织具有毒性作用。本室前期研究发现在整体动物水平上,NMDA 受体的过度激活可损伤小鼠胰岛的功能。
PI3K/Akt 信号途径在细胞生理学的许多信号转导级联反应中起着重要的枢纽作用,然而蛋白激酶B(PKB/Akt)三个亚型的不同生理学功能尚不十分清楚。我们以前的研究报道了Akt 三个亚型在受精卵中的表达,本研究,我们观察了Akt1 和Akt2 在小鼠卵母细胞减数分裂恢复过程中定位及表达的区别。