【摘 要】
Many microorganisms, especially filamentous fungi, could efficiently degrade lignocellulose, which is a complex carbohydrate and aromatic polymers in plant cell wall and is the most abundant natural m
【机 构】
Jiangsu Key Lab for Organic Solid Waste Utilization,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,C
【出 处】
Many microorganisms, especially filamentous fungi, could efficiently degrade lignocellulose, which is a complex carbohydrate and aromatic polymers in plant cell wall and is the most abundant natural materials on earth.We have isolated a fungus strain Z5, identified as Aspergillusfumigatus, from the compost heaps, of which we have sequenced the 29-million base-pair genome using a 454 genome sequencing approach.The Aspergillus fumigatus Z5 has a fantastic capacity to degrade plant cell wall polysaccharides.Genome analysis reveals an impressive array of genes encoding secreted cellulases, hemicellulases, pectinases that cooperate in lignocellulosic biomass degradation.We also sequenced Z5 transcriptome induced by different substrates (sucrose, oat spelt xylan, Avicel 101 and rice straw).Our analysis of genome and transcriptome, coupled with sequence data, provide a roadmap for biomass utilization and industrial application as a gene resource and/or a host for protein expression.
中华秋沙鸭Mergus squamatus Gould,1864隶属雁形目Anseriformes鸭科Anatidae秋沙鸭属Mergus,为国家I级保护动物,是在全球范围内分布区域狭窄且种群数量稀少的濒危物种.研究者从2012年12月到2013年3月,对重庆江津綦江河中华秋沙鸭进行了比较全面的实地考察和研究,首次对该地区中华秋沙鸭的数量、栖息地环境及生存胁迫因素等进行了调查记录分析,结果表明中华
2010年5月-10月对银川市芦花台湿地昆虫群落组成和结构变化进行调查,共采集昆虫10578只,隶属12目70科217种.根据营养水平和取食关系归为3 个营养层(基位物种、中位物种和顶位物种)和7 个功能团,分析了昆虫群落的物种、功能团和营养层多样性的时序动态及群落稳定性.结果表明,食花芽类昆虫、刺吸类昆虫和中性昆虫为昆虫群落的优势功能团,个体数量分别占总数量的16.01%、32.35%和33.3
中亚林蛙(Rana asiatica Bedriaga,1898)的模式标本产地在新疆的伊犁河上游,主要分布在中国新疆伊犁河流域、哈萨克斯坦南部和吉尔吉斯斯坦北部.中亚林蛙的分布区高度片断化,形成一些孤岛状分布地.中亚林蛙主要生活在山区,海拔高度在700-1000m.本研究采集了伊犁地区的中亚林蛙,包括了喀什河、巩乃斯河和特克斯河,以线粒体DNA中的cyt b基因和ND2基因片断作为遗传信息的来源
Escherichia coli K-12 utilizes 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propionate (3HPP) as a sole carbon and energy source.Among its catabolic cluster in the genome, mhpT was proposed to encode a hypothetical transporter
The demand for versatile bacterial strains which can be used in bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and arsenic co-contamination continues to grow as co-occurrence of two categor
本文从天津、河北等地采集的盐碱地土样中分离筛选到20株耐盐碱(可耐受8% NaC1浓度和pH8.0)的木霉菌株.以烟草瓜果腐霉菌、烟草疫霉菌为供试病原菌,通过平板对峙试验和盆栽试验,对所筛选菌株的抗病效果进行评价,结果表明,所筛选木霉菌对两种病原菌均具有不同程度的抑制作用,其中17号木霉菌株的盆栽防治效果最好,对烟草猝倒病和黑胫病的防治效果分别达到75%和100%,其次为4号和7号菌株.最后,通过
九龙江是福建省第二大河流,是龙岩、漳州和厦门的主要饮用水源.由于人类活动和城市化进程影响,九龙江水质富营养化程度加剧,生态环境问题日益严峻.本文应用454焦磷酸测序技术,研究九龙江两大支流(西溪和北溪)浮游和底栖细菌群落组成的空间分布特征,并分析其对人为扰动的响应.多样性指数分析表明,与浮游细菌群落相比,九龙江底栖细菌群落的遗传多样性和种质均匀度较高.RDP Classifier分类分析表明,九龙
A bacterial strain P2 capable of degrading 3, 5, 6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCP) was isolated and characterized.Based on morphological, physiological, biochemical characters, and phylogenetic analysis,