Effect of intermittent aeration for treating decentralized domestic wastewaters in vertical flow con

来源 :第十一届全国博士生学术年会专题——节能环保与污染防治技术分会场论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaohan521325
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  The treatment performance of vertical flow constructed wetlands (VFCWs),in terms of both organic pollutants and nitrogen,is heavily dependent on oxygen supply and influent strength.In this study,the effect of influent strengths on the removal efficiencies of organic pollutants and nitrogen were investigated in VFCWs with and without intermittent aeration.The dissolved oxygen (DO) profile showed that the intermittent aeration strategy not only significantly increased the DO concentration,resulting in better removal efficiencies of organic pollutants and ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N),but also successfully created alternate aerobic and anaerobic conditions favoring total nitrogen (TN) removal via nitrification and denitrification.Accordingly,compared with non-aerated VFCWs,the intermittent aerated VFCWs exhibited much higher removal efficiencies of organic pollutants in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD),ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N),and total nitrogen (TN),all above 90% except TN (more than 85%),especially at high influent strengths.The removal efficiencies of both organic pollutants and nitrogen were found to be unsatisfactory in non-aerated VFCWs especially in higher influent strength as a result of oxygen limitation.It appears that the intermittent aeration would be a valuable strategy for further increasing the treatment efficiencies and thus expanding the application of VFCWs,especially for the in-situ treatment of high strength decentralized domestic wastewaters.
目的 调查分析长沙市工业企业个人防护情况,为科学规范个人防护用品使用提供参考依据.方法 采用判断抽样方法,选取重点行业和存在重点职业病危害因素的734家工业企业作为研究
本文对大型带长引水管道的抽水蓄能电站机组调节系统进行了建模与过渡过程调节参数优化的研究.依据某抽水蓄能电站的具体参数,利用MATLAB/Simulink 对其机组调节系统建模,其
基于雷诺时均N-S方程和RNG k-ε湍流模型对螺旋离心泵内部流动进行了全三维数值计算.获得了泵内不同流量、不同瞬时叶轮轴向力、径向力和流场内不同监测点压力脉动规律.结果