·前庭阵发症是周围性眩晕常见的病因之一,国外文献报道,约占眩晕门诊的4%.认识的历史·一些反复发作性眩晕,由于发作时间很短(往往数秒),一天发作多次,发作间歇期无症状,临床评估困难,所以诊断无从下手.最早于1975年由Jannetta医生发现并命名为失能性位置性眩晕(disabling positional vertigo),主要表现为短暂性的眩晕发作,可能源于神经血管之间的压迫,致病机制极其类似
vHIT记录数据及参数意义vHIT与巩膜探索线圈的比较(magnetic search coil, MSC)在HIT试验的基础之上演变而来评估全组半规管VOR的"金标准"采用头动传感器与巩膜探测线圈同步客观记录头部和眼球运动角膜接触镜价格昂贵,损伤角膜而影响视力急性期眩晕患者无法应用vHIT与MSC有同样的精确度可以评估全组半规管VOR利用红外摄像头非侵入性的、简便的检查,更具临床应用性用于急性期
患者的期望和医生的责任面对患者医生……To Cure Sometimes To Relieve Often To Comfort Always(有时是治愈;常常是帮助;总是去安慰)医学的特点逆天行道经验科学(医学的失误是在所难免的,但是…)成为患者信赖的医生基本点丰富的医学知识……本钱成为患者信赖的医生不可缺少良好的沟通能力……收益
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is an important respiratory pathogen cause for community acquired pneumonia and other manifestations.Due to the complexity of cultural methods and limitation of specific serology
In recent years, a novel aquaculture pathogen Spiroplasma eriocheiris has been found in many crustaceans including Procambarus clarkii, Eriocheir sinensis, Penaeus vannamei, Macrobrachium rosenbergii
Spiroplasma eriocheiris is a new kind of emerging pathogen in commercially exploited freshwater crustaceans recent years in China.Lysophospholipase (LvsoPL) is critical among the virulence factors,whi
Spiroplasma eriocheiris is a new kind of emerging pathogen in commercially exploited freshwater crustaceans.The bacteria infect Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheirsinensis), crayfish (Procambarusclarkii),p
Objective To investigate the immunomodulatory effects ofrlSG15 protein on in cross-bred argali sheep infected with Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae.Methods 18 argali hybrid sheep were randomly divided into A,
Contagious bovine pleuropneumoniae (CBPP) is classified by OIE as must-report infectious diseases.A series of pathological changes of CBPP can cause respiratory tract and high mortality, as well as br
Magnetoelastic biosensors are wireless passive sensors and develop rapidly in recent years.Magnetoelastic materials are made of amorphous ferromagnetic alloys composed of iron, nickel,molybdenum and b