【摘 要】
Dabrys sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus) is mainly distributed in the mainstream and tributaries of the middle and upper Yangtze River.Chinese sturgeon (A.sinensis) is an anadromous fish and distributed
【机 构】
Sichuan Key Laboratory of Conservation Biology on Endangered Wildlife,College of Life Sciences,Sichu
【出 处】
Dabrys sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus) is mainly distributed in the mainstream and tributaries of the middle and upper Yangtze River.Chinese sturgeon (A.sinensis) is an anadromous fish and distributed in the mainstream of the Yangtze River.It is difficult to discriminate these two kinds of sturgeons only based on their morphology,especially in the larval stage,owing to their highly similar morphological characteristics,and overlapping of their distributions.In this study,we employed Restriction site Associated DNA (RAD) Paired-End sequencing to discover SNPs for identifying Dabrys sturgeon and Chinese sturgeon.
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