对上海光源注入段的纵向耦合阻抗进行了分析计算.注入段耦合阻抗主要来自镀膜陶瓷真空室及过渡段.分别用解析法和Mafia数值计算法对其进行了估算,包括窄带阻抗和宽带阻抗的计算.在对由两个过渡段形成的类腔体进行计算时,没有发现束缚模(Trapped mode);在对宽带阻抗的计算时,发现它和原先人们常用的宽带共振模型有出入,为配合对微波不稳定性的研究,把宽带阻抗转化成了有效宽带阻抗.
The longitudinal coupling impedance of Shanghai light source injection section was analyzed and calculated. Injecting section coupling impedance comes mainly from the coated ceramic vacuum chamber and the transition section. Analytical method and Mafia numerical method were used to estimate it, including the calculation of narrowband impedance and broadband impedance. In the calculation of the cavity formed by the two transitional sections, no trapped mode was found. In the calculation of the broadband impedance, it was found to be different from the conventional broadband resonance model. In order to cooperate with the microwave Instability studies have translated broadband impedance into effective broadband impedance.