【摘 要】
The 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake took a heavy toll of lives and buildings,making headlines around the world.Although damage of buildings especially urban RC and SRC apartments due t
【机 构】
高知工業高等学校定時制建築科 石村設計事務所
The 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake took a heavy toll of lives and buildings,making headlines around the world.Although damage of buildings especially urban RC and SRC apartments due to earthquake motion are not well known,so that the tsunami after earthquake motion was unprecedented in its power and reach,they were hard to keep living for residents of the apartments because of their non-structural walls were cracked and broken.Although these damages may be small in the scheme of things,in fact,it is big and important matter for the residents.Most apartments in Japan set a rule that the damaged apartment is not able to any construct neither retrofit nor restore without getting every resident to agree.This study reports some buildings with remarkable damages and result of questionnaire survey including above problem collected 82 residents unions and an example of seismic response analysis.The result of survey and analysis shows that non-structural walls are damaged due to earthquake regardless of structure,furthermore,explains the importance of studies of non-structural walls.
Recent tall building design has been released from the spell of compulsory symmetric shape design to free-style design.This is mainly due to architectsand structural designerschallenging demands for n
2011の東北大震災におが国の近代自然災害至上においぃて最大の人的·物的被害をもたら した。自然災害とその防御·輕減にぉいぃて数多くの教訓が得られたが、そのなかかでも建築耐震工学に突きつけられた緊喫の課題は、設計で想定する荷重を超す外力ヘの対応と、大地震下におにける生活と事業の継続、である。これらの課題は、建物が崩壊に至るまでの举動の把握と崩壊余裕度の定量化と、地震直後の建物健全性即時評価、といぃ
According to the past researches,the structural damage of high-rise steel building when subjected to long-period ground motions is characterized by the concentration of deformation to beam-column conn
This paper discusses a correlation between structural damage and earthquake observations at the 2008 Sichuan earthquake,in order to investigate seismic performance of existing buildings in china.The o