Parking is one of the fundamental services and requirements for effective mobility.While Intelligent Transport Systems have been applied to many aspects of parking, there are still major opportunities to increase effective management and to improve customer services.We have seen the introduction of new technology to parking over the years.These range from parking availability information signing, empty space identification, payment systems and security solutions.However, when it comes to on-street parking we have (apart from payment options) not made many changes since the introduction of the parking meter.Researchers have been working on parking solutions in recent years.The result is a new approach to on-street parking which provides the authorities with increased information and flexibility to implement and achieve policy objectives.The introduction of dynamic parking pricing for on-street parking spaces, provides an intelligence based approach which can be locally calibrated.By varying rates by location and time of day parking space availability can be increased and customer convenience improved.This is a solution that can better influence demand and adapt to situations while optimising parking capacity.This in turn can better achieve revenue targets, maximise policy outcomes and improve services.