Presently, N.starrii, N.pampeanum and N.tembladerae have been reported to be related with Bromus spp..From 2001 to 2012, we collected nearly two thousands ofBromus spp.plants from Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang,Henan and Shandong provinces in east China.No epichloae endophyte infection was confirmed except in samples from Huangshan, Anhui.In more than five hundreds of asymptomatic Bromus magnus plants collected from Huangshan, Anhui from 2011 to 2012, the infection levels were varied from 52.8% to 100% in different sites.Interestingly, B.magnus collected from Nanjing are not infected.From infected plant samples collected in Huangshan, 9 epichloae endophyte strains were isolated on PDA plates, morphological and phylogentic characteristics of 4 strains were analyzed.Morphological characteristics of these strains were typical of Neotyphodium species.In intercellular space of aerial plant tissues, fungal hyphae were observed as 2μm wide,rarely branched, run almost parallel to longitudinal of plant cells in aerial parts.Colonies on PDA plates white,cottony, regular margin, and reverse of colonies tan to pale brown.Colonies grew up to 12.9-15.9 mm at 25 ℃after 3 wk cultivation on PDA plates in the dark.Conidia 4.4±0.2 × 3.1±0.1 μtm, elliptical to subspherical.Phialides are solitary and arose perpendicularly from the hyphae, 18.0±0.2 μm long, 2.1±0.1 μm at base, gradually tapering to 1.1±0.1 μm at the tip, septate at base sometimes.These indicated that these strains are morphologically different from any well described Neotyphodium spp.within Bromus plants.Single alleles of tefA (770bp), tubB (740bp) and actG (670bp) were detected respectively in all of these strains.Based on the sequences of tefA fragments, these strains closely clustered into a single clade falling into the clade ofEpichlod bromicola/E.yangzii (EBY) with a bootstrap value of 65% and 57% for tubB.However these strains tend to clustered with N.gansuense with a bootstrap value of 63% based on actG fragment.Bromus magnus grow wildly in eastern China.It was firstly confirmed to be endophyte infected in samples grown in Huangshan, a biologically well reserved ecological area.We tend to determine these isolates as a new taxonomic group.