【摘 要】
The first part of the talk focuses on the mechanical principle that a single bacterium uses to propel itself.We show that though widely-accepted resistive-f
【机 构】
【出 处】
The first part of the talk focuses on the mechanical principle that a single bacterium uses to propel itself.We show that though widely-accepted resistive-force theory qualitatively describes the underlying principle of zero Reynolds number propulsion,it fails quantitatively in the biologically relevant regime due to the negligence of hydrodynamic interactions.In the second part,I will discuss a range of emerging phenomena observed in experimental systems consisting of many bacteria.
I will present results from our recent Lagrangian particle tracking experiments in turbulent thermal convection.Experimental issues related to tracking part
The problem that how a functional unit within cells works efficiently and somehow precisely in a noisy environment is of greatimportance.One of the standard
Nature abounds with examples of non-equilibrium systems where simple microscopic interactions lead to complex emergent behaviour.They may self-organize into
That morning, I
Diffusion of a particle in a random potential has been used to explain defect diffusion,the slow dynamics of glass and disordered solids,and aging phenomena
据江津县五举乡西瓜种植户的经验,西瓜采用营养钵薄膜育苗,产量比露天育苗提高20%左右。其方法是: 一、种子处理。将选出的种子翻晒一二日,然后用一瓢开水兑一瓢冷水浸种一昼