【摘 要】
Background B7-H4 (also called B7S1 and B7x) is the most recent addition to the B7 family.Putative receptor of B7-H4 can be unregulated on activated T cells.By the cell cycle, B7-H4 ligation of T cells
【机 构】
Department of Respiratory Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University
【出 处】
Background B7-H4 (also called B7S1 and B7x) is the most recent addition to the B7 family.Putative receptor of B7-H4 can be unregulated on activated T cells.By the cell cycle, B7-H4 ligation of T cells has a profound inhibitory effect on the growth, cytokine secretion,and development of cytotoxicity.
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目的 探讨系统评估法在呼吸重症病房护理查房中的应用,提高查房效果;方法 通过对护士采取理论培训和临床技能培训,实施从头到脚分系统评估方案,比较不同层级护士实施前后查房情况;结果 改进后呼吸重症病房护士查房效果明显优于改进前,在改进前后护士查房的完整性和各方面的指标均有明显提升(P<0.01);
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