Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy as an especial technique of fmgerprint has all along played an important role in structural characterization of chiral compounds,which can provide useful information on the absolute configuration and conformation of chiral molecules,enantiomeric excess of the chiral substances and something about reaction mechanisms[1].As a major tool in chiral solid-state chcmistry,solid-statc CD is currcntly attracting a great deal attcntion[2] since it should offer invaluable spectral information unobtainable from solution CD; for example,of particular interest is an unusual conformation of chiral molecules that is unstable in solution.Combining solution and solid-state CD with UV-Vis spectra and other structural analysis including X-ray crystallographic data may gain a comprehensive insight into the details of the structural features,electronic levels and electronic transitions of chiral compounds.