CYFRA21-1 Levels could be a biomarker for Bladder Cancer: A meta-analysis Running title:CYFRA21-1 Le

来源 :第十四届全军诊断病理、第八届全军病理技术及第十一届北方四战区病理学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxlhenhao
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  The proteolytic part of CK-19, referred to as CYFRA21-1, is detected as a soluble molecule in serum and other body fluids, and it has been measured as a tumor marker in several neoplastic diseases.To examine whether urinary or/and serum sample CYFRA21-1 could be the biomarker for bladder cancer, we conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis of 3 case-control studies.All studies considered, patients with bladder cancer had a higher CYFRA21-1 level than healthy people.In the subgroup analysis, we found that patients with bladder cancer metastatic disease had a higher CYFRA21-1 level than patients with bladder cancer Locally invasive disease.However, no significant difference was found between patients with bladder cancer Locally(Histological stages Ⅰ)disease and patients with bladder cancer Locally(Histological stages Ⅱ)disease in CYFRA21-1 levels.Patients with bladder cancer locally(Histological stages Ⅱ)disease and patients with bladder cancer locally(Histological stages Ⅲ)disease have no significant difference in CYFRA21-1 levels.In conclusion,CYFRA21-1 level could be a diagnostic biomarker for the diagnosis of bladder cancer, a possible biomarker for differentiation between bladder cancer Locally invasive and bladder cancer metastatic, but it could not be the urinary or serum biomarkers for the differential histological stages of bladder cancer Locally (Histological grade Ⅰ to Ⅲ)disease.
她爱过吗?爱过的人是谁?  谁又曾经让她一再地受伤?  她能不能从过去的感情的泥沼中勇敢地跋涉出来,挺起胸膛,昂首向前?  梦一般缥缈的过去,迷宫般扑朔迷离的故事。  她时时萦绕在影迷的内心里。  不知道,我们谁都不知道。  那永远都只是属于她自己的小秘密。    青春记事本:    英文名:Cecilia 生日:1980年5月24日  生肖:猴出生地:香港  星座:双子座 身高:1.65米  喜