近年来 ,个人代理人已经成为中国寿险发展业务的主力军 ,其业务已占整个寿险业务的 6 0 %以上。但是 ,当前我国代理人行为违规的现象令人堪忧 ,并已成为目前代理市场的一股暗流 ,侵蚀着各家保险公司乃至整个保险业的社会形象。为了寻求解决个人代理人频繁违规这一问题 ,本文从代理人的社会定位、管理体制、发展政策、行业特点等四个方面进行了探讨 ,并初步提出“两个改变、一个调整、两个加强”的对策 ,即改变现行个人代理人管理体制 ;改变现行佣金支付方式和业绩考核办法 ;调整业务发展策略 ,整顿和规范保险市场 ;加强个人代理人的管理 ;加强业务管理和内控制度建设。
In recent years, personal agents have become the main force in China’s life insurance development business, and its business accounts for more than 60% of the life insurance business. However, at present, the behavior of our country’s agent acts is worrying and has become an undercurrent of the current agent market, which has eroded the social image of various insurance companies and even the entire insurance industry. In order to seek to solve the problem of frequent violations of personal agents, this article discusses four aspects of the agent’s social positioning, management system, development policy, industry characteristics and initially proposed “two changes, one adjustment, two enhancements ”To change the current management system of personal agents; to change the existing commission payment methods and performance appraisal methods; adjust business development strategies, rectify and standardize the insurance market; strengthen the personal agent management; strengthen business management and internal control system.