Recent drilling in Lake Hovsgol, NW Mongolia, recovered a sedimentary sequence with a base age of 1 cal Ma from the second-largest lake in the Baikal Rift Zone.Because of the small catchment, Hovsgol basin has elevated sensitivity to regional changes in the effective moisture, as seen from variable drill core lithologies and sediment facies.Here we discuss the work in progress on the regional Pleistocene paleoclimate synthesis based on the three key sediment sections from the Baikal Rift Zone.The section at Academician Ridge of Lake Baikal (53.7°N, drill cores BDP-96 and BDP-98) represents an area where Pleistocene sedimentation rates remained remarkably stable at ca.(4±2) cm·ka-1.Stable depositional setting allowed the development of the robust BDP-96 age model derived from orbital tuning of the cycles of biogenic silica content in sediments, which reflect past changes in diatom productivity.