A comprehensive insight into the molecular mechanism and physiological process of Alexandrium tamare

来源 :第十七次全国环境微生物学学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:george_zg
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  Harmful algal blooms occur all around the world,threatening human health and destroying marine ecosystems.Alexandrium tamarense is a globally distributed notorious toxic dinoflagellate,which responsible for most poisoning incidents by paralytic shellfish poison.The culture supernatant of the marine algicidal bacterium BS02 showed high algicidal effects on A.tamarense ATGD98-006.
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蔬果类植物具有巨大的经济价值和营养价值,是我国极为重要的农作物类群,但多数蔬果类植物属于中小染色体,较难识别.rDNA作为一类有功能的多基因家族重复序列,其自身特点决定了它在基因组研究中的重要性.本研究选择了30种蔬果类植物材料进行rDNA荧光原位杂交,并结合前人的研究工作对其结果进行比较.首先对rDNA序列荧光原位杂交探针标记方法进行了探索,将18S、5S rDNA探针序列直接在5端进行荧光修饰
Ethylene and auxin are two key hormones for the somatic embryogenesis.However, the underlying molecular mechanisms that integrate these two hormones are poorly understood.Herein, the results of transc
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