【摘 要】
Since the launch of the national curriculum reform in 2001, Chinese teachers have been facing the dilemma between "education for student quality" and "educa
【机 构】
Since the launch of the national curriculum reform in 2001, Chinese teachers have been facing the dilemma between "education for student quality" and "education for exams".This study examines how some Chinese deal with this dilemma with their own cultural mindset, discourse and actions.Through extended fieldwork in schools in Beijing in the past three years, the study finds that the teachers exhibit a holistic view on teaching, a practical reasoning about teaching, and a unity of knowledge and action in teaching.These three features compose of their teaching philosophy as their ways of being, thinking and doing in times of change.Finally it is concluded that Chinese teachers native discourse, mindset and actions are worthy special attention by outside reform experts and administrators, as they are necessary mediating tools to re-contextualize and re-construct the outside reform in a school context.
Several years ago I received a national award for Relating Research to Practice.It is interesting that many folks, including me, frequently referred to the awar
我国中小学的教师研修经过新课程改革的洗礼,"校本研修"蔚然成风, 但也存在着被应试教育绑架的困局.教师研修面临的新挑战是:排除以极端势力为代表的应试教育模式及其经验的
一、背景描述 小W是外地来京务工人员的子女,家离学校较远。他的父亲是水店送水工,母亲是家政服务人员,平时工作很晚才回家,没有时间与孩子进行交流,唯一的交流是询问考试情况,只要是一听说考试不理想,非打即骂,长期这样孩子再也不愿意与父母说实话。由于父亲是小学文化,母亲近似文盲,文化水平低,挣钱很不容易,在外面还经常受气,生活很是艰辛。所以对小W充满了期望,希望他好好学习,将来能改变自己以至家庭的生活
摘要:探讨箱庭疗法对人际关系困难学生的有效性和治疗过程。采用个案研究法,对一名人际关系困难的学生进行16次箱庭治疗,结果发现:来访者的箱庭治疗经历了问题呈现-深入治疗的力量积攒、对峙以及新生力量的再现-寻找、收获的成长三个阶段。经过箱庭治疗,来访者的人际关系得以改善,来访者的内心世界得以整合。 关键词:箱庭疗法;人际关系困难;个案研究 一、引言 箱庭疗法是一种融认知、情绪、行为于一体的综合的
I want to talk to you this morning about a challenge that all professions face-teachers and physicians, nurses and engineers.How do beginners in the profession
近十来年,美国为提高教学质量从日本引进"lesson study",以学校为基地的在职师资培训引起重视.2003年到2006年,作为卡内基教学促进基金会的资深研究员,被派到加州硅谷Mountai