【摘 要】
Peat land covers large areas of the earth.They are important for the bio diversity but also trapping pollutants.They constitute a source for energy production but then also releasing the pollutants.It
【机 构】
Holm International,Sweden University of Seville,S
Peat land covers large areas of the earth.They are important for the bio diversity but also trapping pollutants.They constitute a source for energy production but then also releasing the pollutants.It is also an important global trap for C02 Raised peat bogs only receive deposition from atmospheric deposition and are historical archives for such deposition.The sources are aeolian resuspention from soils,burning of fossil fuel such as carbon,human activity resulting in resuspention,and forest fires.We have studied the deposition of natural occurring radionuclide,210Pb,uranium isotopes and thorium isotopes in a raised peat bog in central Sweden.Pb-210 is deposited through the emanation of 222Rn and can be used for the dating/growth rate of the layers in the peat bog.The activity concentrations in surface peat are about 300 Bq per kg decreasing with depth due to the decay of the radionuclide giving a growth rate of about l.5 mm per year.Uranium-238 concentrations increase with depth from 2.5 Bq/kg t0 28 Bq Bq/kg at 10 cm depth.The activity rati0 234U/238U is around 0.9 i.e lower than unity which is unusual for environmental waters,such as l.14 in sea water and about l.25 in rivers entering the sea.The activity concentrations of 230Th and 232Th are about l Bq per kg in the peat profiles but with a sharp increase t0 5 Bq per kg at 10 cm depth.This might be a human activity in the area 70 years ago.
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