【摘 要】
Danhong injection (DHI), a Chinese Materia Medica standardized product extracted from Radix Salviae miltiorrhizae and Flos Carthami tinctorii, is effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis (AS)-rel
【机 构】
Shanghai Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases,Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University,180 Feng Lin Road,
【出 处】
Danhong injection (DHI), a Chinese Materia Medica standardized product extracted from Radix Salviae miltiorrhizae and Flos Carthami tinctorii, is effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis (AS)-related diseases.It is widely recognized that AS is a complex inflammatory disease of the arterial wall and the dendritic cells (DCs) is a major player in the pathogenesis of AS via mediating atherosclerotic antigen presenting and T lymphocytes.Here, we determined the effect and possible mechanism of DHI on oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL)-induced maturation and immune function of DCs.Human monocyte-derived DCs were incubated with DHI or ciglitazone and were subsequently stimulated with ox-LDL to induce maturation.Similar to ciglitazone, a peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) γ agonist, DHI, could significantly reduce ox-LDL-induced expressions of mature markers, enhance the endocytotic function, and inhibit secretions of cytokine on DCs.These effects of DHI could be partly reversed by silencing the PPARγ.In conclusion, DHI could inhibit ox-LDL-induced maturation of DCs partly through activating a PPARγ-mediated signaling pathway.
Hepatic veno-occlusive disease (HVOD) is a clinical syndrome characterized as hepatomegaly, ascites, jaundice and elevation of hepatic enzymes as an outcome from fibrous obliteration of small centrilo
Danhong injection (DHI) is the most prescribed injection form of Chinese medicine for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, and stroke in China.However, it
Objective: To explore the synergistic protection of Danhong Injection (丹红注射液, DHI) and ischemic postconditioning on myocardial reperfusion injury in minipigs.Methods: Acute myocardial infarction model
积雪草(Centella asiatica[L] urban)性寒、味苦、辛,临床上用于传染性肝炎、急性肾小球肾炎,烧伤瘢痕等.为伞形科积雪草属植物,为多年生草本植物,干燥全草入药.又名雷公根、灯盏草、大金钱草、马蹄草等.野生资源丰富,多生长于海拔2000m以下的草地、沟边、田边等阴湿且土地肥沃处,全年可以采摘,广西壮族尤喜采用其消肿解毒、活血化瘀之功效治疗痧气腹痛、暑泻、湿热、疔痈肿毒、跌打损伤