Genetic Evidence of Polygynous Mating System of Western Black Crested Gibbon (Nomascus concolor)

来源 :第九届全国野生动物生态与资源保护学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lichangsong3
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  Gibbon was usually regarded as the primates with monogamous mating system.However,a population of western black crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor) with stable and long-term polygyny has been observed at Dazhaizi,central Yunnan for ten years.
Many felid species (leopard (Panthera pardus),south china tiger (Panthera tigrisamoyensis),clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa),asiatic golden cat (Pardofelis temminckii),marbled cat(Pardofelis marmora
Effective and appropriate conservation in todays rapidly developing China,is urgently required if we are to protect its critically endangered top predator species.Additionally,many of Chinas ecologica
Environmental and anthropogenic factors drive range loss in large mammals.We used Amur tigers’ presence data opportunistically collected between 2000 and 2012 and anthropogenic and environmental varia
Throughout its global range,one of the primary threats to the snow leopard is the depletion of the large ungulate prey of the high-elevation mountain ranges,in particular the blue sheep (Pseudoisnayau
Gibbons are well known for their frugivorous diet,small group size,and territoriality.Intensive feeding competition between females has long been used to explain the small group size and monogamous so
Yunnan is the northern edge of extant gibbon distribution,and gibbons in China were persumed to face harsh and less-suitable habitat because their preferred fruit/fig trees are less abundant and alway
相互理毛行为广泛存在于社会性群居灵长类动物中,通常具有清洁卫生和社会交往功能.2012 年10 月到2013 年6 月,我们在云南白马雪山国家级自然保护区对一人工辅助投食滇金丝猴群,采用全事件取样法和焦点动物取样法收集了雌性个体间相互理毛的行为数据,包括理毛的部位、理毛的姿势、理毛的时间和回合数.
婴幼猴的抚育方式目前有两种:严格保护型和松散放任型,其他类型则介于这两个极端风格之间。晚成型幼体使灵长类动物必然地要经历一个相对漫长的母婴交互期和婴幼儿行为的快速成长期(2 月至长达数年)。