借助于平板压铸件,研究了T1、T5、T6热处理对高真空压铸AlSi10MnMgFe合金的微观组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,高真空压铸件组织致密,性能优于普通压铸件。170℃×8h时效处理后压铸件的抗拉强度达到351.3MPa,高于铸态,伸长率为3.5%,比铸态有所下降。T5、T6热处理可以改善压铸件的组织。T5热处理后试样的伸长率达到8.3%,明显高于铸态;而T6热处理后,压铸件的抗拉强度、屈服强度、伸长率和硬度(HB)分别达到358.4 MPa、286.6 MPa、6.1%、110.4,均高于铸态。
The effects of T1, T5 and T6 heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of high vacuum die-casting AlSi10MnMgFe alloy were studied by means of flat die casting. The results show that the high-vacuum die-castings are compact and have better performance than ordinary die-castings. The tensile strength of die-casting after aging treatment at 170 ℃ × 8h reaches 351.3MPa, which is higher than that of as-cast and the elongation is 3.5%, which is lower than that of as-cast. T5, T6 heat treatment can improve die-casting organization. The tensile elongation, yield strength, elongation and hardness (HB) of the die-castings reached 358.4 MPa and 286.6 MPa, respectively, after T6 heat treatment. 6.1%, 110.4, both higher than the as-cast.