【摘 要】
Biomarkers have been widely used as important tools in the clinical development of drugs from measuring target engagement, stratifying patient populations,
【机 构】
Bioanalytical Operations Regeneron Pharmaceuticals,Inc. USA
Biomarkers have been widely used as important tools in the clinical development of drugs from measuring target engagement, stratifying patient populations, predicting clinical outcomes to detecting drug toxicity.In recent years, Biologics (especially monoclonal antibodies) as therapeutics has attracted a great deal of attention in the pharmaceutical industry.Continued innovation of the development of targeted therapeutics presents a strong opportunity for the utilization of translational biomarkers in the clinical development.This talk will present some aspects of techniques to identify biomarkers, aspects ofbiomarker assays unique to Biologics, and case studies to illustrate the benefits of incorporating biomarkers into Biologics development programs.
冰心的散文诗《荷叶·母亲》是统编版七年级上册第二单元的一篇文章,也是初中语文教材中歌颂母爱的经典。长久以来,备受推崇。然而,笔者经过文本细读发现,这首散文诗存在语言节奏紧张与情感节奏紊乱的问题,因此给人以故意雕琢的虚假之感。 一、抓住这把钥匙:“我不寧的心绪散尽了!” 《荷叶·母亲》这首散文诗最关键的一句话是:“我不宁的心绪散尽了!” 如果用“起承转合”来分析文本,此处正好处于“转”的位置,
Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) and ricin are some of the most potent humans toxins described.The most common route of intoxication is through ingestion of co
We have modified the CH3 domain interface of the antibody Fc region with selected mutations so that the engineered Fc proteins preferentially form heterodim
【摘 要】 初中文言文教学对于现代的中学生来说好比就是“天书”,教师应在教学中帮助学生找到一条捷径,使其顺利过文言文这一关。在文言文教学中主要应以“读”字当先,激发学生的兴趣。有了兴趣才会摸索出好的学习方法,才能培养学生阅读文言文的能力。 【关键词】 文言文;读;方法;能力;比较;触类旁通 【中图分类号】 G 633.3【文献标识码】 C 【文章编号】 1671-1270(2009)2-006
For ma
今年是农历甲戌年,这倒使我想起一位人物来,他是谁呢?著名电影导演白沉。白沉生於公元1922年壬戌,肖狗的,值此狗年,请他谈谈饮食和养生,自然格外有意思了。 白沉,苏州人,然