How be Havioural Aspects of Commercial Taxi Drivers and Road Users are Influencing Accidents

来源 :2017年世界交通运输大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lifei111
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  Accidents are accidents and so as any any road accident – unplanned,sudden,beyond imagination and extremely unpredictable in nature.While exploring past trends,road traffic accidents are believed to have varying causes leading to its unfortunate fate in most of the cases – some manageable and some beyond any controls.
In China,as in other countries,road traffic deaths are a burden for society.More than 58 thousand people died in road crashes,and approximately 213 thousand are injured annually in China.In 2013,the n
Traffic Accident In-Depth Investigation(TAIDI)mainly aims for providing data supports for improving vehicle safety,recalling defective vehicles and making safer traffic,etc.Firstly,almost all TAIDI sy
本文基于700 份在线问卷调查为数据基础,结合实地访谈,总结分析共享单车的使用特征。基于因子分析,构建影响共享单车满意度的结构方程模型,结果显示:"方便快捷"对满意度影响程度最大,"产品服务"其次,"成本付出"影响相对较小,"道路设施"很大程度上影响"方便快捷",对满意度有间接影响。最后,提出对政府管理的意见和对策,希望改变"乱停乱放"的市容,提高共享单车满意度和使用效率,实现低碳环保出行方式,促
Complex traffic conditions lead to excessive driving workload,further result in impaired driving performance.Therefore,it is meaningful to study the driving workload evaluation with driving performanc
本文采用驾驶模拟的方法,研究分析雨天对低驾龄小客车驾驶员驾驶特性和驾驶感受的影响。首先结合京港澳高速公路驻信段的实际几何线形、沿线设施等状况,搭建实验环境;然后构建由小雨、中雨和大雨三种雨强度组成的驾驶模拟仿真场景;最后测试并收集了22 名23 岁左右的驾驶员在驾驶过程中的车辆运动参数,以车辆速度和转向角为指标表征驾驶员的驾驶特征,通过ANOVA 统计检验方法分析雨天对驾驶员驾驶特征的影响。
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