Commercialization of Chinese Housing Market and Its Impact on Housing Poverty

来源 :第4届中日韩地理学家学术研讨会暨第12次全国青年地理工作者学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duokuo1
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  China is in the process of carrying out socialist planned economic system and capitalist market economic system along with its reforms and opening.In the process,the problem of poverty is surfacing along with the commercialization of housing.In this study,weve analyzed Chinas social security system through literature at home and abroad based on the concept of place poverty,and have pointed out the characteristics and problems of Chinese urban housing reform centered around what weve identified.Furthermore,weve divided up China into 8 zones,and have examine the characteristic of each area by population & social index,economic index,and housing index.As a result of analysis,the process of urban housing reform had an effect on housing poverty,and appeared to have different characteristics by zone.In this study,since Chinas situation by area is very diverse,it presents a point that we must approach with not a monistic method but a pluralistic method regarding housing policy.
周芳是信州区关工委办公室主任,兼区委老干部局办公室负责人。她1991年开始从事老干部工作,16年来,工作勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业,淡泊为人、踏实做事,受到了老干部的一致好评。 Z
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