目的 总结成人急性会厌炎的临床表现及治疗方法。方法 70例成人急性会厌炎用糖皮质激素迅速消炎消肿并用足量强有力的二代头孢抗生素治疗,并作好建立人工气道的准备。结果 70例全部痊愈,无气管切开和气管插管病例。结论 在强效敏感抗生素和激素应用的情况下作好气管切开准备对成人急性会厌炎的治疗十分关键。
Objective To summarize the clinical manifestations and treatment of adult acute epiglottitis. Methods Seventy adult patients with acute epiglottitis were treated with glucocorticoids and antiinflammatory agents. The patients were treated with potent second generation cephalosporin antibiotics and the preparation of artificial airway was made. Results All 70 cases were cured without tracheotomy and endotracheal intubation cases. Conclusion Preparing for tracheotomy in the presence of potent and sensitive antibiotics and hormones is critical for the treatment of acute epiglottitis in adults.