An iTRAQ based quantitative proteomic analysis to explore novel different proteins between nasophary

来源 :第一次全国中西医结合检验医学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Ideal
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  Purpose:To discover chemoresistant-associated proteins with the resistant model cell lines.Methods:we used the isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation(iTRAQ) approach combined with nano liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (NanoLC-MS/MS) analysis to identify proteins that were differentially expressed between nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines CNE1, CNE2 and their CDDP resistance cell lines CNE1DDP and CNE2DDP.Results:By three employing biological and technical replicates, we identified 817 nonredundant proteins,64 of which were differentially expressed in the two group cell lines(CNElvs.CNE1DDP and CNE2 vs.CNE2DDP).Through the bioinformatics:Go analysis,KEGG pathway and Protein-protein Interaction of differentially expressed proteins,some proteins such as HSPB1,CLIC1,ANXA1,TPM4, Plastin-2 ,PDIA1 and so on, might play an important role in the mechanisms of chemoresistance and clinical theray.Conclusion:The present data first time show that the chemotherapy resistant protein spectrum through these 4 cell lines,and may excavate novel potential biomarkers for early detection of chemoresistance in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
在传统观念里,孩子胖些没什么,甚至认为胖是有福气的象征,还有人认为,小的时候胖点没关系,成年后的肥胖才是真正有害的。但事实上,肥胖对人类的伤害从儿童时期就开始了!  伤害1 能力的损伤  有氧能力,就是机体摄取氧、运输氧、利用氧的能力。有氧能力的强弱决定了我们一般说的身体素质好坏、身体底子好坏。我们常说的免疫力是在有氧能力基础之上的又一种能力,所以我们平日说的身体底子好,身体素质就好,这点实际上就
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