Non-destructive testing of metallurgical vessel condition for improved maintenance strategies

来源 :第五届宝钢学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leizi525
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  Smelting and processing of mineral commodities requires refining furnaces and vessels to undergo extreme temperatures.Molten metal is contained by layers of refractory lining,which undertake thermal stresses and chemical changes.The reactions within the furnace are abrasive and can cause substantial wear to the refractory.Non- destructive condition monitoring of refractory lining is essential for the continuous operation of processing vessels and ensure safety.Improved maintenance strategies are achievable if the remaining refractory thickness is known and the worn region is identified in advance.Traditionally,refractory thickness is estimated by temperature measurements and the use of mathematical modeling.This method suffers from several limitations.Firstly,the method provides an indirect indication of the relative refractory thickness/condition based on heat flux and refractory thermal conductivity.Secondly,the coverage of the thermocouples is limited by their layout;thus,an overview condition of the entire furnace is not available unless a substantial number of thermocouples are installed.To overcome some of these limitations,a patented technique called the Acousto Ultrasonic-Echo ( AU-E) was developed in the late 1990s.This technique complements the thermal flux technique and can provide an accurate direct measurement of remaining refractory thickness.It uses both the time and frequency domains data analysis to determine material thicknesses and quality.It has been applied to evaluate the quality of the refractory of blast furnaces,non-ferrous furnaces and vessels under thermal stress.Furthermore,Furnace Integrity Monitoring System ( FIMS) was developed by Hatch for long- term continuous monitoring of the structural integrity of furnace crucibles.In this paper,case studies are used to illustrate the application of the AU-E to determine the remaining refractory thicknesses of sidewall and hearth of furnaces,either during operation or furnace shutdown.Thermal factor was considered in the AU-E analysis to account for the change in velocity of the stress wave in materials due to thermal conditions.The retrospective acoustic emission data analysis of the long-term monitored furnace crucible showed that waming period and problematic regions of the furnace lower hearth could be identified by the FIMS,which could greatly improve the furnace operation safety.In conclusion,with the aid of non-destructive testing techniques,effective maintenance measures and timely repairs can be scheduled to prolong the furnace campaign life.
Because of requirements for Greenhouse Gas ( GHG) reduction as well as energy savings,Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corporation ( TMEIC ) has developed new technologies for energy sav
哈龙1301属于消耗臭氧层物质,2001年8月1日中华人民共和国公安部消防局发布了公消[2001]217号《关于进一步加强哈龙替代品及替代技术管理的通知》,明确指出我国将于2010年停止生产哈龙1301灭火剂.而对于对于20世纪80 ~ 90年代建设的钢铁企业,哈龙灭火剂因其灭火速度快、毒性及腐蚀性小、电绝缘性好、化学性能稳定等特性,在整个灭火系统中占有相当的比例,广泛用于液压站、润滑站、计算机房
针对上海软土地基特点,通过对室内试验、室外原位搅拌桩施工、钻探取芯及芯样试验进行分析,研究了宝钢土体固结材料这一新型固化材料的适用性.室内制样试验结果表明,宝钢土体固结材料和32.5级P.O水泥试件的无侧限抗压强度均随养护龄期的增长而增长,28 d后均趋于平缓;土质对宝钢土体固结材料强度的影响比对32.5级P.O水泥的影响大;宝钢土体固结材料无侧限抗压强度明显高于同龄期32.5级P.O水泥,强度比