Identification of the molecular origin and development of a panzootic caused by Beauveria bassiana i

来源 :2012年中国菌物学会学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:byekao
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  A panzootic in praying mantid species Tenodera sinensis and Statilia maculate, caused by Beauveria bassiana, occurred in north, southwest and southeast regions of Anhui Province,eastern China in Autumn, 2009.A 3D Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of 123 isolates from three sites revealed that the B.bassiana populations were heterogeneous with obvious dominance.Futhermore, the causal source of the panzootic in Anhui was shown to be polyphyletic.The populations were homogenized into homogenous subunits for investigation of genetic structure by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers.Variance was greater than 70%, largely due to genetic differences within populations and subpopulations.Genetic distances and genetic differentiation were negatively associated with geographic distances and it was speculated that this was due to the effects of monsoons and topography.Mantid isolates were divided into five pathotypes based on a two-way cluster analysis of genetic distance.Pathotype I consisted of the predominant subpopulations of Huangcangyu and Chashui populations, with a genetic distance of 0.120 and gene flow up to 1.833.This pathotype caused a widespread epizootic in north and southwest Anhui, while the other four pathotypes caused enzootics at all three investigation sites.The widespread epizootic and isolated enzootics composed the polyphyletic panzootic in Anhui.A strong gene flow between the two mantid species was identified in isolates, resulting in negligible gene differentiation.This indicated a lack of host specificity in mantid isolates of B.bassiana.
人们通常从蔬菜外观的形状和颜色上是无法辨别农药是否超标的,要想减少污染果蔬对健康的危害,首先要了解哪些蔬菜和水果更容易受到污染。  一般来说容易生虫、生虫后比较难防治的果蔬,常常是农药污染比较严重的品种。如水果中的苹果、梨、李子、葡萄、草莓、西瓜、橘子、香蕉等农药残留比较严重,而带壳的水果如荔枝、龙眼等污染较小。污染较重的蔬菜有叶菜和细菜,如小白菜、青菜、鸡毛菜、韭菜、菠菜、油菜等,而根菜、瓜菜和
铁路、公路、航空、管道等现代运输方式,目前运用最广、发挥作用最大的仍然是公路。 Modern transport modes such as railways, highways, airlines and pipelines are the
对于大多数人来说,吃上几百克芹菜,大概还不至于达到让皮肤容易被紫外线损伤的地步。如果正好碰上“生病”的芹菜,或者是对阳光过敏的皮肤,就需要另当别论了。    对于时尚女性来说,瘦身与美白大概都能入选最为关注的几个主题。而蔬菜是科学支持“有助于瘦身”的少数几种食物之一。在许多女性下定决心为了瘦身大吃蔬菜的时候,却又有专家列出一堆蔬菜说“小心!这些蔬菜含有光敏性物质,会伤害你的皮肤……”  于是,面对