Effects of Electrochemical Conditions on Crack Growth of Stainless Steels in High Temperature Water

来源 :The 4th International Symposium on Materials and Reliability | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asicsyao
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  Effects of dissolved oxygen and/or dissolved hydrogen on stress corrosion cracking growth rates of 304L(N), 316L(N) stainless steels and weld metals in high temperature water environments were investigated by using fracture mechanics specimens and alternating current potential drop technique.The results are compare with those for sensitized stainless steels.Four types of dependence of crack growth rates on electrochemical conditions were observed in the experimental data for non-cold worked, cold worked, sensitized stainless steels and weld metal.Crack growth rate in austenitic stainless steels increased with increasing dissolved oxygen or electrochemical potential, and the effect of electrochemical potential was more significant in non-hardened stainless steels than in their hardened counterparts.A peak in CGR vs.dissolved oxygen was observed for in a 316NG weld metal with a relatively high content of ferrite, which was not observed in a 316NG weld metal with a relatively low content of ferrite.These results show the strong interaction between crack tip mechanics and crack tip oxidation kinetics.
向日葵种子含油丰富,食用品种一般为20~30%,油用品种高达35~45%。葵花籽油清澄透明,气味芳香,是一种价值很高的食用油,同时在工业上也有广泛 Sunflower seeds rich in oil, foo
  As attentions to the beyond design basis accident have increasedfollowing Fukushima accident, the importance of aging management for key system, structure a
8岁的大连小姑娘俞茗迪有一头长O.95米、由胎毛长成的黑发.是国内最长的胎发 阵 飞 摄 ’lk 8一year—oldl;;^IxⅢIs 0.95一n~ler—long hir岫I rn玎“w汕birth.小lIl卿tIIh
【新加坡《星州日报》1978年7月29日报导】美国缅因州木材资源公司创造了把树木转变成饲料的制作法,开始用白杨树喂牛。 该公司利用压力和温度处理白杨木。据称,这种制作法
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