【摘 要】
A composite stiffened panels configuration design method is proposed integrating various mechanical simplified models, dealing with global and local buckle
【出 处】
2012 Postdoctoral Symposium of China on Materials Science &a
A composite stiffened panels configuration design method is proposed integrating various mechanical simplified models, dealing with global and local buckle separately based on two-level optimization framework.An equivalent stiffness model is constructed for airframes unidirectional stiffened panel with complex sections, optimizing stiffness match relationships from global perspective in system level.Critical buckling load of skin is fitted by nonlinear rational interpolating function surrogate model, which handles local buckling in subsystem level, optimizing the layout and detail dimensions according to the stiffness requirements from system level.An integrated framework is built based on collaborative optimization theories to coordinate and unify each levels critical load to improve material utilizing, and the panels integrated design could be implemented.Finally, the layout optimization of a panel with Z stringers is processed.Calculation result satisfies the design requirements, and every optimization level shows a high precision, which validates the reliability of this method.
The continuous basalt fiber reinforced polymer/plastic(BFRP) is a new fibrous composite.Compared with other fiber reinforced polymer/plastic, BFRP has many
【摘要】随着新课改的推进,如何做好高中英语的语法教学工作成为了很多业界人士关心的问题,本文就提出了以前在高中英语教学摒弃语法教学,导致学生的语言实际用运能力很差等问题。也提出了改进语法教学的相关措施,希望对以后的高中英语语法教学有所帮助。 【关键词】新课改 英语语法 教学 一、新课改背景下高中英语语法教学中存在的问题 1.教师不重视语法教学。高中教学作为整个教学阶段最重要、最具影响力的时期,
A numerical model of bird impact on a square aluminum alloy LY12-CZ plate was established using the explicit finite element code PAM-CRASH.In the numerical