本文以自建英汉平行语料库为根据,探讨叙事语篇中第三人称代词下指问题。基于对-ing为首下指式的综合分析,揭示了以van Hoek(1997)为代表的现有回指理论的局限,提出了将原先代词下指(P+N)扩展为两式(新增零代词下指式,Φ+N/P)的必要性。分析表明:除了顾及名、代(Φ、P、N)之间的主题关系,还需重视小句之间的语义关联;前者可用可及性、主题延续性来描述,后者需以象似性、动作延续性来解释。从单看主题到兼顾主题与事件,本文以时间语义与认知理据为基础,对下指现象的功能新解,特别是对Φ+N/P构式中前后景关系的界定,有利于构建英汉对比研究之基础。
Based on the self-built English-Chinese parallel corpus, this article explores the issue of the third person pronouns in narrative discourse. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the first finger of -ing, this paper reveals the limitations of the existing anaphora represented by van Hoek (1997) and proposes to extend the original pronoun (P + N) Zero pronoun refers to the type, Φ + N / P) necessity. The analysis shows that in addition to taking into account the relationship between the name and the generation (Φ, P, N), the semantic relationship between clauses needs to be emphasized. The former can be described by accessibility and the continuity of the subject, Sexual, action continuity to explain. Based on the time semantics and the cognitive motivation, this article attempts to find out the new function of the under-pointing phenomenon, especially the definition of the front-back view relationship in the Φ + N / P structure, which is conducive to the construction The Basis of Comparative Study between English and Chinese.