Spark Optical Emission Spectrometry ( OES) is one of the most commonly used and most matured analytical techniques for the analysis of metals.It is surely the preferred technique for the primary metal producers due to its speed of analysis,multi-element capability,high precision for expensive elements and fully automated laboratory solutions for high productivity.Analytical performance of critical alloying elements as well as C,N and O has been significantly improved to meet the industry expectations to produce ultra-clean steel.The ability of OES to identify and quantify the non-metallic inclusions has helped tremendously the steel chemists/metallurgists to achieve cleanliness of the metals cost effectively and reliably.Over the years,OES has proved itself to be an economically attractive solution even for the smaller foundries,metal processors and recyclers thanks to the development of simpler and " analytically good enough" instruments.Integrating all these advances in the ARL iSpark Series and with the help of latest technological development in this area,we are confident to take the Optical Emission to the next level of its capabilities covering from simple to most demanding analytical needs.Latest advances in this area are presented with applications to illustrate performance improvements while keeping the core advantages of OES such as simplicity,reliability,stability and ease of use.