Glucocorticoid receptors, FKBP5 and 11bHSD2, were involved in the process of cortisol disruption ind

来源 :第四届中国西部动物学学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leijunhua
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  H-P-I axis plays a critical role in the fish stress response.It is regulated by a series of factors.Cadmium is one of the most toxic heavy metals in the world, however, its effects on the teleosts H-P-I was largely unknown.Here we investigated the effects of waterborne cadmium exposure on the secretion and synthesis of hormones in H-P-I axis, analyzed the expression of glucocorticoid receptors (GR), and two GR regulators, FKBP5 and NCoR1.Data showed that cadmium only disrupts the secretion and synthesis of cortisol, but affects neither the hormones at H or P level nor the expressions of their receptors (CRHR, MC2R).StAR, CYP11A1, CYP11B1 which encoded the key enzymes in the cortisol synthesis pathway were significantly up-regulated in the kidney (containing head kidney), 11bHSD2, required for the conversion of cortisol to cortisone, was raised in the kidney, intestine, brain, and hepatopancreas, while the gene 11bHSD2 encoding for the reverse conversion enzyme was increased at gill and almost unchanged in other tissues.GR was declined in the intestine, gill and muscle, and the key GR regulator, FKBP5 was up-regulated at the GR-decreased tissues, however, NCoR1 was almost unaltered.Thus we supposed that GR, FKBP5 and 11bHSD2 were involved in the cadmium induced cortisol disruption.
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水体环境以低氧为特征,并呈现出一定程度的空间、时间和季节性溶氧的波动性.花斑裸鲤(Gymncypris eckloni)广泛分布与黄河上游干支流及其附属湖泊,对高原环境表现出极强的适应性.为深入了解花斑裸鲤对空间、时间和季节性溶氧波动的分子适应机制,本研究开展了花斑裸鲤的低氧胁迫实验,并通过RNA转录本深度测序开展了主要组织(肌肉、肝胰脏、脑、心脏)和血液转录组学研究.通过Illumina HiS
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