叶猴类一般有较小的活动面积和相对固定的活动范围,群与群间保持一定的距离避免相互接触.典型的喀斯特环境中黑叶猴群间关系是研究得较少的方面.2013年1-12月,采用瞬时扫描法(Instantaneous Scan Sampling)和全事件取样法(All occurrence Sampling)对扶绥中华村哥利(地名)的5群黑叶猴的群间接触行为进行了研究.
怒江金丝猴(Rhinopithecus stryker)隶属仰鼻猴属(Rhinopithecus).2010年于缅甸首次被发现,2011年10 月在怒江州高黎贡山国家级自然保护区内也证实了该物种的存在.该物种种群数量稀少,被IUCN红色名录列为极度濒危(CR)物种.
Geophagy is common in extant nonhuman primate species,but the exact reasons for it across species remains unclear.Previous diet studies on Yunnan snub-nosed monkey(Rhinopithecus bieti)were only focuse
The activity budgets of primates reflect their survival strategy.Despite existing data on the activity budgets of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys(Rhinopithecus bieti),little is known about how activity budg
Multilevel societies(MLS),in which polygynous reproductive units are nested in a larger social matrix,represent a highly complex social system documented only in a small number of mammalian species.
猕猴属属于猴科,是灵长类中辐射进化最成功的谱系之一.基于形态学特征和线粒体DNA 序列的分析尚未构建出猕猴属动物清晰、明确的系统进化关系.本研究以地中海猕猴(Macaca sylvanus)、豚尾猴(M.nemnestrina)、藏酋猴(M.thibetana)、熊猴(M.assamensis)、红面猴(M.arctoides)、恒河猴(M.mulatta)、食蟹猴(M.fascicularis)
The Common Pheasant,Phasianus colchicus is distributed throughout temperate regions in East and Central Asia,and had been widely introduced into Europe and North America as a game bird.
The watchdog(canis familiaris),the worlds oldest domesticate,is a very close relative of the grey wolf(Canis lupus)and the two species diverged anywhere from 145 00 to 15 000 years ago.