神经系统是一重要的特免器官,有着独特的免疫反应模式。本文主要对脑血管病,重症肌无力,格林——巴利综合症,脑肿瘤等神经系统疾病进行免疫学探讨,现将结果报告如下: 材料和方法一、标本来源: (一)病例选择:经本院神经科确诊的中枢神经系统疾病患者的脑脊液,其中脑血
Nervous system is an important special immune organs, has a unique immune response. This article mainly on the cerebrovascular disease, myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, brain tumors and other neurological diseases immunological discussion, the results are reported as follows: Materials and methods First, the specimen source: (a) case selection: Cerebrospinal fluid in patients with central nervous system diseases diagnosed by our department of neurology, including cerebral blood