Dempster-Shafer methods for one-and two-sample comparison of quantiles,with applications to HIV vacc

来源 :上海交通大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hy85323
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  Here we introduce a new analytical method for testing the hypothesis that the medians of two distributions are equal or within some range of one another,given independent draws from each,or that the median of one distribution is within e.g.the 45th to 55th percentiles of the other distribution.
We study variable selection problem in causal inference.This is different from the regular variable selection problem such as in linear regression.
When learning a directed acyclic graph(DAG)model via observational data,one generally cannot identify the underlying DAG,but can potentially obtain a Markov equivalence class.
Traditional variable selection methods face serious limitations by overlooking useful information on biomarkers with similar functionality or spatial proximity,and by treating each covariate independe
In this presentation,we talk about the shrinkage estimate for population covariance matrices with high-dimensional dimensions.
In general,the cluster analysis on the climatological data is useful method that the climate characteristic of South Korea is analyzed by clusters.
We develop econometric tools to study integrated volatility with potentially time-dependent microstructure noise in high-frequency data.
Suppose we are interested in a causal effect that is confounded by an unobserved variable.Suppose however one has available negative control outcomes that are not causally affected by the treatment,an
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo(HMC)has become routinely used for sampling from posterior distributions.Its extension Riemann manifold HMC(RMHMC)modifies the proposal kernel through distortion of local distan
In this paper we present an innovative non-parametric Bayesian approach to estimate and predict individual patient longitudinal biomarker distributions.
Next generation sequencing(NGS)data contain measurement errors.Normalizing NGS data is challenging and crucial.We propose to normalize the NGS gene expression profiles via binning and density estimati