【机 构】
【出 处】
Genetically humanized pigs exclusively expressing human insulin are generated through custom endonuc
The victims radiated by high-dose in a short time are often accompanied by symptoms of systemic reaction,such as systemic inflammation,nausea,slower growth
Efficient Generation of Gene-Modified Pigs HarboringPrecise Orthologous Human Mutation via CRISPRCas
Precise genetic mutation of model animals is highly valuable for functional investigation of human mutations.Clustered regularly interspaced short palindrom
目的 本实验以异育银鲫为研究对象,在饲料中添加不同剂量的紫锥菊多糖,测定其对异育银鲫的生长(相对生长率、相对生长率、增重、饵料系数、摄食率)、非特异性免疫(血清溶
目的 了解上海沿海地区蛭弧菌的分布状况,对其生物学性质进行研究,为蛭弧菌的应用提供参考依据.方法 采用双层琼脂平板法对来源于上海沿海地区不同水域环境中的蛭弧菌进
目的 建立猕猴糖尿病模型,并进行病理切片评价,用人脐带间充质干细胞治疗,观察猕猴血糖的变化。方法 猕猴9只,分为对照组3只和模型组6只,模型组通过高糖高脂饮食及静脉注
The victims radiated by high-dose in a short time are often accompanied by symptoms of systemic reaction,such as systemic inflammation,nausea,slower growth
Efficient Generation of Gene-Modified Pigs Harboring Precise Orthologous Human Mutation via CRISPRCa
Precise generic mutation of model animals is highly valuable for functional investigation of human mutations.Clustered regularly interspaced short palin-dro
Efficient bi-allelic gene knockout and site-specific knock-in mediated by TALENs in pigsabc Publishe
Objective To establish the platform of TALENs mediated gene editing in pigs and produce DJ-1 gene knockout (KO) pigs.Methods TALENs against GGTA1,Parkin and