The China Spallation Neutron Source(CSNS)consists of an 80MeVH-linac,a 1.6GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron(RCS),a soild-tungsten target station,and instruments for
As a key component of the China Spallation Neutron Source(CSNS)Project,the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron(RCS)accumulates and accelerates the proton beams from 80MeV
RF-Track is a novel tracking code developed for the optimization of low-energy standing-wave or traveling-wave linacs in presence of space-charge effects.
The behavior of orbits in charged-particle beam transport systems,including both linear and circular accelerators as well as final focus sections and spectromet
The fast and accurate ion-optical models of the large-aperture fragment separators are necessary in order to provide an effective operating during experiments.
Transverse dipole modes in bunches with space charge are simulated using the Synergia accelerator modeling package and analyzed with Dynamic Mode Decomposition.
The paper describes the recent efforts in establishing a consistent basis for beam physics simulations and machine requirements,magnet design and manufacture,an
This paper covers the topic of finding matched,i.e.stationary,distributions for coasting beams that takes into account higher order moments of the charge distri