
来源 :中国菌物学会2015年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:llizhixiong
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  The Didymellaceae was established in 2009 to accommodate Ascochyta,Didymella and Phoma,as well as several related phoma-like genera,containing numerous plant pathogenic,saprobic and endophytic species associated with a wide range of hosts.Ascochyta and Phoma are morphologically similar,and species from both genera have in the past been linked to Didymella sexual morphs.
我国甘蔗栽培主要采用单一连作制,已达20-30 年甚至更长时间.许多蔗区由于多年的连作和过度施用化肥,不仅对环境造成污染,还造成土壤板结,已无法通过增施化肥来提高产量.AM 真菌能改良土壤生态,在退化土壤恢复中起重要作用.
The Microthyriaceae and Micropeltidaceae are poorly known but interesting families.Microthyriaceae comprises54 genera and Micropeltidaceae 27 genera,being of foliar epiphytes or saprobes on dead leave
the recognition of taxonomic ranks in current systematic and taxonomic research is lacking universally standardized criteria.Now molecular clock methods allow us to estimate divergence times based on
苹果煤污病(sooty blotch and flyspeck)症状有多种类型,其中蝇粪型主要由接瓶霉属(Zygophiala)真菌引起.目前国外报道的接瓶霉属真菌共5 个种.本研究对我国苹果主产区及其它各地表现蝇粪症状的寄主进行广泛采集,共采集样品500 余份,分离获得66 株接瓶霉,通过形态学及多基因(ITS,TEF,TUB,ACT)分子生物学鉴定,共鉴定出10 种接甁霉属真菌,其中8 种为新
Accurate delimitation of plant pathogenic fungi is critical for the establishment of quarantine regulations,tests of plant resistance to pathogens and study of ecosystem function.Concatenation analysi
Parasitoidism refers to a major form of inter-species interactions where parasitoids sterilize and/or killtheir hosts typically before hosts reach reproductive age.However,relatively little is known a
罕山国家级自然保护区位于内蒙古通辽市扎鲁特旗,地处119°37′-120°06′,北纬45°00′-45°26′,总面积为91333 公顷,该保护区动植物物资源极丰富,是保存较为完整的天然次生林区域。为了调查罕山自然保护区Pythium 属菌物种类,采集了土壤标样103 份,用平皿法分离纯化到260 个菌株。
All orchids are dependent upon fungal symbionts for the provision of major nutrients such as carbon and nitrogen at least during the achlorophyllous protocorm stage and in many cases throughout the li
鹅膏科Amanitaceae 是一个世界广布科,该科物种繁多、形态多样,物种区分困难且种间亲缘关系不清.为此,本研究基于三个基因片段(nrLSU、rp1 和rpb2)对鹅膏科进行了分子系统发育研究,首次从分子系统发育的角度以较高的支持率界定了鹅膏科的范畴,明确该科共包括五个主要分支,其中鹅膏属Amanita Pers.和刺孢小伞属Catatrama Franco-Mol.为单系,而黏伞属Limac