Detection with the scan the average likelihood ratio

来源 :The Third IMS-China International Conference on Statistics a | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:azhan
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  Scan statistics are the standard tool for a range of detection problems, such as the detection of spatial disease clusters.There have been a number of recent claims in the literature, based on empirical findings, that scan statistics are inferior to an approach that involves the average likelihood ratio.The talk will present the results of an investigation of this issue.Joint work with Hock Peng Chan.
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1.带有音量控制的放大器图中示出了带有音量控制的放大器的原理电路.调整电位器R_ 7(电阻应与转动指针角度有关)同时改变了深反馈和分压器的传输系数.这就保证更容易地控制音
一、张学良选贤佐二弟 1922年金秋。 奉天城大南门里的大帅府。 忽一日,张作霖坐在卧室雕花太师椅上,边嘴叼二尺半长、缀有翡翠嘴的大烟袋吸旱烟,边对张学良说:“小六子,眼
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电影是20世纪人类最伟大和最有影响的发明之一。从电影诞生至今已有100余年的历史, 1895年12月28日法国卢米埃兄弟在巴黎一间餐厅向35个观众放映了《火车到站》、《水浇园丁
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  In this article approximations for the distributions of one and two-dimensional minimum p-value scan statistic are derived for both conditional and uncondit