Phenological, morphological and reproductive characterizations of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) germpl

来源 :中国作物学会2015年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanyansinx
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  Sesame(Sesamum indicum L.)is an important oilseed crop of tropical and sub-tropical area of the world.It is widely used in cooking,food and industry.The Oil Crops Research Institute,CAAS conserves 5426 accessions,5218 Of them originated from China(from 29 provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions except Ningxia,Qinghai and Taiwan),208 0fthem originated from 24 foreign countries,including Asia,Africa,Europe South America and North America.110 sesame accessions and cultivars randomly selected were seeded to the field in Oil Crops Research Institute between 20 May and 10 June in 2005-2006.
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小麦播种时期常遇墒情不好,易造成缺苗断垄.本研究拟对119份冬小麦种质进行萌发期模拟抗旱鉴定,筛选干旱条件下,具有较好萌发力的品种,为小麦生产提供品种选择依据.试验以-0.5Mpa(19.6%) PEG-6000水溶液进行干旱胁迫,对照和处理各设置3次重复.将发芽盒置于20℃的人工气候培养箱,8d后测量发芽率、胚芽鞘长、根数、主胚根长、干物质重,并计算抗旱系数和综合抗旱系数(品种所有测定指标抗旱系
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