【摘 要】
This present study was aimed to assess the effectiveness and reliability of CT-guided nanoknifeablation in retroperitoneal tumor treatment. Methods: 2 retroperitoneal tumor patients were selected, inc
【机 构】
【出 处】
This present study was aimed to assess the effectiveness and reliability of CT-guided nanoknifeablation in retroperitoneal tumor treatment. Methods: 2 retroperitoneal tumor patients were selected, includingone pancreatic cancer patient and one colorectal cancer retroperitoneal metastatic tumor patient. The surgery wasperformed under general anesthesia with large aperture multi-slice CT, electrocardio synchroscope and anesthesiamonitoring device. Nanoknife ablation electrode was implanted through percutaneous conformal puncture in ac-cordance with preoperative plan and ablation degrees were estimated by current waveform. It was significant toperform CT examination immediately to eliminate complications and monitor patients vital signs continuously andcomprehensively after surgery. Imaging test was implemented to observe curative effects and complications 3-5days after surgery and each laboratory examination of blood needed to be reviewed. Results: 2 cases of surgerywere completed successfully and the vital signs of patients were stable. Pancreatic cancer patient underwent mildabdominal pain without any severe complications after surgery. Imaging test displayed complete ablation, clearborder, no intensification in ablation area, mild inflammatory change around and no damages on nearby blood ves-sels, biliopancreatic ducts and intestinal canals. The pancreatic cancer patient showed transient rises of lipase anddiastase and mild rise of tumor marker via laboratory examination. There was no abnormality in laboratory indexof retroperitoneal metastasis patient. Conclusion: Nanoknife ablation could protect blood vessels, biliopancreaticducts and intestinal canals while inactivating tumors in the process of retroperitoneal tumor ablation. This tech-nique was safe and effective, which might be further popularized and applied clinically.
目的 临床研究表明,通过辅助药物可以很好的克服局部麻醉的副作用。随着大量的临床实践表明,局部麻醉也会给病人带来一些副作用,为了缓解和克服局部麻醉的副作用局部麻醉辅助药物被成功的开发和利用,本文通过查阅相关文献和资料,就目前的局部买醉辅助药物进行了研究和分析。
目的 乳腺癌是女性高发恶性肿瘤,雌激素受体表达阳性乳腺癌术后的患者通常长期使用雌激素受体抑制剂来抑制肿瘤复发。临床上经常发现服用雌激素受体抑制剂患者出现泌乳素增高及影像学垂体不均匀强化的占位,因此,我们对部分服用雌激素受体抑制剂的患者的血清激素水平及垂体影像学检查,对比分析常规体检患者的激素及垂体影像学表现,了解是否长期服用雌激素受体抑制剂能作为溴隐亭治疗及手术放化疗治疗失败的泌乳素型垂体瘤治疗的
目的 总结我院使用营养支持类药物后发生不良反应的高危人群特征,提出预防及减少抗肿瘤营养支持类药物不良反应的方法,用于指导临床用药,改善肿瘤患者营养状况,提高生存质量。方法 通过国家药品不良反应监测系统,提取某肿瘤医院2014-2016 年肿瘤患者中由营养支持类药品(氨基酸、脂肪乳、电解质、维生素等)所致不良反应的病例。
目的 总结胎儿小脑蚓部发育异常的磁共振(MRI)表现并与超声(US)结果对照,评价MRI对胎儿小脑蚓部发育异常的产前诊断价值. 方法 选取US提示胎儿小脑蚓部缺失或小脑蚓部显示欠清、后颅窝扩大16例,并由胎儿MRI证实的13例胎儿Dandy-Walker 综合征及3例Joubert综合征病人.孕妇年龄中位年龄 28.2岁 ( 22 ~34岁 ), 平均孕周 31周 ( 25 ~38周 ).分析胎儿
目的 评估及探讨在B 超引导下经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术应用盐酸丁卡因胶浆肛周表面麻醉及盐酸丁卡因胶浆直肠粘膜麻醉的有效性及安全性。方法 回顾性研究2015 年6 月-2018 年6 月行B 超引导下经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术的245 名患者,所有穿刺均由同两位医生共同完成,均为系统前列腺穿刺12 针,其中120 例使用盐酸丁卡因胶浆麻醉(麻醉组),125 例仅使用石蜡油润滑未使用麻醉剂(非麻醉组),对每
目的 探讨磁共振在新生儿各类脑损伤的诊断价值.方法 1.5T磁共振,新生儿专用线圈,弥散加权(DWI)为必备扫描序列,2011年1月-2016年5月,临床拟 诊脑损伤新生儿共302例,年龄为出生-28平均年龄在6.2天.
目的:1 探讨care技术与迭代算法联合应用于双源CT上气道检查的可行性2 探讨铋屏蔽在上气道CT检查中对降低眼晶体辐射剂量应用价值 方法:方法材料 西门子Definition Flash CTRGD-3B热释光仪,TLD(LiF:Mg,Cu,P) 厚度为1 mm的眼晶体铋屏蔽材料1片;头颈部仿真模扫描参数相同参数:探测器组合128*0.6,旋转时间 0.5s,Pitch 0.6 ,refmAs1
Objective: To investigate the differences of blood supply among different subtypes of 愀搀攀渀漀挀愀爀挀椀渀漀洀愀 in lung peripheral GGOs using spectral CT and Iodine content measurement. Materials and Methods: 34
目的 观察急性脑梗死HT的MR图像特点和发生频率;了解HT的影像学相关因素 对象与方法 1.收录2014年9月1日至2015年2月28日期间,在天津市人民医院神经内科连续入院的急性脑梗死患者.对症状发作2天内的患者行首次MRI检查,并记录影像相关因素特点,安排病人3天后或病情加重时复查MRI,了解HT的发生情况.2.首先进行单因素分析,了解HT的影响因素;再对单因素分析筛选出有相关性的影像学特征进