With the completion of human genome project,-omic analysis towards systems biology becomes one of the major challenges in analytical chemistry.Particularly, performing-omic analysis on single cell level has been highly focused.Recent achievement in single cell genomics shows its great potential in personalized medicine.Single cell genomic sequencing has been recognized as the next-generation platform for genomic research.However, the development of single cell proteomics (SCP) proposed by Dovichi seems more difficult due to the complexity of proteome.Currently, there are two main approaches for SCP analysis, flow cytometry and chemical cytometry.Coupling with multi-color fluorescent probes, multiple parameters based flow cytometry for SCP analysis has made a great of advancements in mapping cellular signal transduction networks and investigating molecular mechanisms of diseases.Chemical cytometry for SCP is mainly conducted by two-dimensional capillary electrophoresis system.It has been successfully applied to single cell proteomic fingerprint profiling.However, there is a major challenge that the separation capacity is far less that the number of proteins inside a cell.