Energy-efficient operations in medium-sized SWRO plants with Danfoss extended range of pumps and ERDs New Danfoss product releases for SWRO APP 53, APP 78 iSave 50, iSave 70
Recently water reclamation needs are increasing rapidly at the whole world receiving a social background.So as to improve recovery ratio, more concentrate wastewater has to be included in raw waters.T
This paper mainly discussed the effect of filling rate on oxygen transfer coefficient of different diffusers in MBBR process.The result shows, because of the cutting action on micro bubbles and improv
The adsorption of Cs+ by a novel extractant-impregnated resin, EIR, was studied using batch adsorption experiments.The new EIR was prepared by impregnating 4-tert-butyl-2-(α-methylbenzyl) phenol (t-BA
Tenche GmbH德国腾澈有限公司Tenche GmbH developed the 30C filter whose customers spread all around the world.
Environmental efficiency has been a research interest in the field of energy since the 1973 world oil crisis.With the increasing demand of energy, there is an apparently gap between the energy supply
目录选对净水市场的风口01找风口02借风口03等风口05引风口关键词1找风口1.1 冷静对待"水深火热"残酷的市场现实,迫使我们:1,呼唤可盈利,可量化的模式2,杜绝杂而全,追求少而精1.2 小心两个"热词"热词一:智能化智能化只是技术的延伸和升级,不是"痛点"热词二:互联网互联网是手段和工具,不是"必须"要找本质需求1.3 找风口,路在何方换人?换团队?换品牌?换渠道?换促销?换??...