Synchronization transition of bi-stable Chay neuron network

来源 :第二届全国神经动力学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:donny0325
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  A minimum network which is constructed by two identical Chay neurons are used to study the synchronization transition of network with coexistence attractors of period-1 bursting and period-2 bursting.The two neurons,when isolated,exhibit period-1 and period-2 bursting,respectively.Two values in the coexistence region are assigned to control parameter and 64 different values are selected to initial condition to investigate how they effect on the synchronization transition course.This work shows that the network has two possible complete synchronization states;they are complete synchronization of period-1 bursting and complete synchronization of period-2 bursting.Apart from complete synchronization,phase,lag synchronization are also be observed.These synchronization modes are demonstrated by three types of periodic rhythms;period-k (k=2,3,4) bursting are rhythms of phase synchronization;period-(k,k) (k=2,3,4,5,6) bursting and period-(k,(k+1)) (2,3,4,5,6,7) bursting are not only rhythms of phase synchronization but also rhythms of lag synchronization.All the rhythms are rhythms of burst synchronization.The control parameter mainly influences the behavior under very weak coupling and the statistic results of complete synchronization rhythm under strong coupling.The influence of the initial condition is mainly manifested in changing the complexity of the transition course.
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