Low-temperature dabrication of α-Al2O3 based composite coating as tritium permeation barrier

来源 :第13届中日双边先进能源系统和聚变裂变工程材料会议(CIS-13) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tang18
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  As one of the most promising tritium permeation barriers,α-Al2O3 has attracted increasing attention in the field of nuclear fusion reactors,because of its high chemical stability and outstanding ability to suppress hydrogen isotope permeation.However,the products manufactured by conventional processes were often composed of γ-Al2O3,and the fabrication of a more desired thermally stable α-Al2O3 phase usually requires a very high temperature that the steel substrate cannot withstand.Therefore,it is an urgent need to develop new techniques for producing α-Al2O3 based coatings at low temperature condition.
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