Patients' Satisfaction with Different Modalities of Prostate Cancer Therapy --A Retrospective S

来源 :BITs 3rd Annual World Cancer Congress-2012(2012第五届世界癌症大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivan888111
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  Aim: To assess the overall impact of the most common contemporary prostate cancer therapies (radical prostatectomy,percutaneous irradiation, brachytherapy, hormonal therapy) with regard to physical and psychological well-being, as well as to general patient satisfaction.Patients and Methods: In October 2006, a questionnaire focused on patients opinions and satisfaction regarding their previous prostate cancer therapies was published in a patient cancer journal (Krebsmagazin).Results were collected until March, 2007 and analyzed using Wilcoxon and Students t-tests.Results: Answers were obtained from 634 patients (radical pros.tatectomy: 61%;percutaneous irradiation: 17%;brachytherapy: 2%;hormonal therapy: 15%;other/combined: 5%).Concerning late side effects and convenience of treatment, 96% of all patients who had undergone percutaneous irradiation were very satisfied with their choice and would choose the same therapy again (brachytherapy: 93%;hormonal therapy: 84%;radical prostatectomy: 79%).Erectile dysfunction with inability to perform sexual intercourse was reported by 32% of all patients who underwent percutaneous irradiation (brachytherapy: 21%;hormonal therapy: 63%;radical prostatectomy: 52%).No sexual problems at all were reported by 22% of patients who underwent percutaneous irradiation (brachytherapy: 21%;hormonal therapy: 13%;radical prostatectomy: 4%).With regard to psychological and physical deficits(fear;depression;urinary, bowel, erectile dysfunction;hormonal disorders), percutaneous irradiation was superior to the other treatment options (no deficits: percutaneous irradiation;49%;brachytherapy: 36%;hormonal therapy: 17%;radical prostatectomy: 15%).Conclusion: Radiotherapy showed superior results regarding patient convenience and satisfaction in comparison to hormonal therapy and surgery in the treatment of patients with prostate cancer.
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