【摘 要】
Mass concentration,13C PDB (13δC) of water-insoluble and refractory carbon (WIRC) as the proxy for black carbon (BC) chemically extracted from total suspended particles (TSP) samples collected from De
【机 构】
Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,Beijing,100081,P.R.China
Mass concentration,13C PDB (13δC) of water-insoluble and refractory carbon (WIRC) as the proxy for black carbon (BC) chemically extracted from total suspended particles (TSP) samples collected from December 2002 to January 2004 (50 samples) and from October 2005 to May 2006 (29 samples) at Waliguan (36.287oN 100.898oE,3810 m) are presented.The concentration of WIRC was 1183 ± 120 ng/m3,with the highest values in spring-winter,and its variation was in agreement with the optical BC concentration measured by aethalometer- but WIRC have higher values,especially in winter-spring with factor of 1~2.The seasonal mass concentration difference between WIRC and optical BC perhaps indicates that water soluble / insoluble carbon aerosols dominate the fraction of summer-autumn/winter-spring carbonaceous aerosols at the site.Mean 13δC of -25.3 ± 0.8‰ revealed that C3 plant burning was the major source of the WIRC.14C PMC for the later 29 samples revealed that the overall mean fraction of contemporary-derived carbon (fC) of BC was 67.2 ± 7.7% (n = 29).The fC and BC concentration was strongly associated with air parcel transports.Lower fC accompanying moist air-parcels were transported from eastern Waliguan in autumn and early winter,but the continuous fossil combustion heating in the region decreased fC in late winter and spring.Dust-storm transport through the remote areas of western may have caused high fC even though mass concentrations of TSP and BC were abnormally high.Week-to-week variations of 210Pb activity concentration in TSP and percentage of fossil–derived carbon (ff ) were in agreement,providing some evidence that coal combustion was the dominant fossil source of BC at Waliguan.
利用WRF ARW 中尺度数值模式对2010 年4 月20 日华北地区的一次积层混合云系降水进行模拟。首先,对实况的天气形势、卫星云图及水汽分布图进行分析;然后,通过对比,模拟的自然降水分布与实测结果基本一致,模拟的雷达组合反射率与实测结果也基本一致;并通过分析云中各要素的分布,了解了积层混合云系的降水机制、微物理特征和动力特征。结果表明:积层混合云水凝物含水量分布不均匀,对流云和层状云相互粘连跨
The effect of aerosols on the global climate change has drawn much attention in recent years due to considerable uncertain climate forcing.Aerosol can influence the Earth’s radiative budget directly b
介绍一种能自动完成降阻剂电阻率及工频耐流的测试仪,该测试仪由计算机处理器、恒流源、电压采集器、电流采集器、A/D 转换电路、USB 接口控制器组成。其软件采用多线性技术,在控制整个测试流程的同时监控各测试参数,并能自动处理错误。整个系统操作简单、易学、易用、易推广。
通过对2012 年4 月24 日一次暴雨过程的微物理结构进行分析,初步探讨了云中的云水资源分布与降水的形成关系,以及云水转化的条件与云水资源分布的关系,即与云的结构的关系。初步得到云系的不同部位,垂直结构不同,降水机制不同,产生的降水也不同,云中混合相带深厚,可以通过、碰并形成大的降水。
本文利用卫星和雷达资料,对2011 年4 月17 日广东一次冰雹灾害性天气的超级单体的结构特征进行了研究讨论。反演的云光学厚度与冰雹关系复杂,其演变与降雹无直接对应关系;光学厚度反映的云水中心比Tbb 反映的云顶信息更能深厚的反映雷达回波所反映的降水信息。分析雷达基本反射率径向垂直剖面图可见,降雹过程中云体一直都维持有穹窿出现,有穹窿出现的时候poh 值一直都维持在100%左右,这更好的印证了穹窿
本文利用飞机搭载的Particle Metrics Inc.公司生产的PMS 系列探头连续两架次云下观测的结果,初步分析了四川盆地气溶胶分布特征.结果表明,在初夏阴天条件下,城镇上空气溶胶细粒子与粗粒子并存.气溶胶污染中比重较大的是直径3.0μm 以下的细粒子.云下气溶胶细粒子浓度基本上随高度的增加而减小,越靠近地面,气溶胶细粒子浓度越大,说明气溶胶细粒子源主要来自于地面.前后两架次探测到云下气溶
Meteorological and aerosol data were measured at the atmospheric boundary layer observation station in Tianjin,China,and were analyzed to study the effects of aerosol mass,composition,and size distrib
Tethered-sonde measurements of atmospheric profiles were performed at Urumuqi,capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China,from 29 December 2008 to 14 January 2009.The data were used to